
Are you looking for impeccable cleaning of fabrics and at the same time cost control?

Sutter's answer

  • full range of detergents and additives for automatic and manual fabric washing systems;
  • products that respect the fabrics and that are suitable for every washing cycle, water hardness and type of dirt;
  • product system with the Ecolabel mark
  • neutral pH washing system
  • washing system able to eliminate yellow spots from sunscreens
  • micro-encapsulated softener with long-lasting fragrance
  • sistemi di dosaggio, finalizzati al corretto consumo dei prodotti chimici, in grado di rendere le operazioni di manipolazione sicure per l’operatore ed evitare sprechi di prodotto

Technical support on dosing equipment and product use.

Disinfection system at 60° with environmental criteria .

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